Research into issues of Identity and Cultural History, Politics and Policies

In 2006 Goran Stefanovski was elected member of the European Cultural Parliament (ECP) a forum for outstanding artists, thinkers and cultural personalities from Europe. In 2009 he was elected member of the European Council for Foreign Relations (ECFR) a distinguished think-tank consisting of former prime ministers, presidents, European commissioners, current and former parliamentarians and ministers, public intellectuals, business leaders, activists and cultural figures from the EU member states and candidate countries. 

Here is a list of conferences Goran Stefanovski attended and conference papers he presented on these issues during the sixteen years he taught at Canterbury Christ Church University.



  • Tintin in the Balkans, Practice Based Research Performance, Centre for Practice Based Research at School of Media, Art and Design, Canterbury Christ Church University (8 June);

Interview on the research

  • “The Play Figurae Veneris Historiae”, paper given at the conference Unknown Fronts, (The eastern turn in First World War History), University of Groningen, the Netherlands (5-6 November)


  • European Cultural Parliament, Gothenburg, Annual Meeting (11-13 December)
  • European Council for Foreign Relations, Madrid, Meeting (6-8 November)
  • IETM General Plenary Meeting, Vilnius, Lithuania, participation in round table “Shooting Stars in the New Sky” at Eastern Promises, IETM General Plenary Meeting, Vilnius, Lithuania” (8-10 October)
  • Keynote speech at the international conference Deschooling The Classroom,a project that addresses the contemporary independent cultural scene in the region, researching and offering an alternative to the hierarchical models of education in the art and culture, Ohrid, Republic of Macedonia (16 August)


  • Paper given at “Writing in many Tongues : Lives in Translation” (South Eastern Diaspora Writing before and after 1990) – conference organised by  The Groningen Research Institute for the Study of Culture and the Department of Slavic Languages and Cultures (18 April)
  • Interdisciplinary Arts Colloquium: “Languages at Play : Theatre Translation as Cultural Transfer”, School of Theatre Studies, University of Warwick (31 May)
  • Keynote speech “Trans Artists and Cis Artists” given at the 11th Res Artis General Member Meeting and Conference Artists in Dialogue, Transforming Communities,  Amsterdam, the Netherlands (9-12 October)
  • Participation in a panel discussion at the Vilenica Festival, Slovenia, “The Author Between Text and Context” organised by CEI (Central European Initiative) (4 September)
  • Participation at European Cultural Parliament in Liverpool,  7th Session – Culture, Media and Democracy” (24-26 November)
  • Exercises in Style – organisation of and paper at Department of Media PRACTICE BASED RESEARCH EVENT, Canterbury Christ Church University (28 November)


  • Research seminar “Tales from the Wild East: Balkan Theatre and Exile” given at The University of Nottingham, Department of Russian and Slavonic Studies (12 March)
  • Paper “Chinese Whispers” presented at the 15th General Assembly of EFAH, European Foundation for the Arts and Heritage, Re-Imagining Cultural Action in Europe, Warsaw, Poland. Also chaired one of the panels.
  • Speech “Bare Wires” to open the International Meeting of Drama Schools in Skopje, Macedonia (27 March)
  • Lecture on social issues, identity and cultural politics at the American University, Blagoevgrad, Bulgaria (3 April)
  • Faculty Conference Teaching beyond Boundaries, Keynote paper “Teaching the Unteachable”, incorporating film “What do You Want?” Canterbury Christ Church University (11 May)


  • Panel discussion “Where are the Balkans?” hosted by the Austrian Cultural Forum London, moderated by Professor Kevin Robins (15 June)


  • Paper “The Heart of the Matter” given at the conference What Future for the Balkans and the EU?, European Cultural Foundation ConferenceThe Heart of the Matter, The Hague, The  Netherlands (1 December)


  • Paper “After Dinner Speech”, at the Sharing Cultures European conference in Rotterdam, Holland (July)
  • Paper “Listen here” presented to International Symposium When Culture makes the Difference: The Heritage, Arts and Media in a Multicultural Society, Genoa, Italy (19-20 November)
  • Stefanovski’s essay  “A Tale from the Wild East” was published in Alter Ego (Twenty Confronting Views on the European Experience), edited by Guido Snel, Amsterdam University Press, ISBN 9053566880. This essay is in many ways the sum total of his experience as a writer living between two worlds and two tectonic geo-political and cultural plates. It is also an analysis of the situation of Eastern European Theatre in the last fifteen years. This essay was also translated and published in leading journals in French, German and all ex-Yugoslav languages.  The most recent publications have been “Tales from the Wild East” in Theatre and Performance in Eastern Europe, edited by Dennis Barnett and Arthur Skelton, The Scarecrow Press, Lanham, Maryland, U.S.A, pp.147-155 and “Geschichten aus dem Wilden Osten”, (German translation of “Tales from the Wild East” by Eva Bonne) in Wespennest, Zeitschrift für brauchbare Texte und Bilder, Nummer 154, Mârz, Vienna, ISBN 978-3-85458-154-3


  • Speaker at “Theatre and Exile Conference”, Graduate Centre for Study of Drama, University of Toronto, Canada