2022 “Eloge du Contraire” (“In Praise of Opposites”), 11 essays selected and with a preface by Ivan Dodovski, translated from Macedonian into French by Maria Béjanovska, éditions L’Espace d’un Instant, Maison d’Europe et d’Orient, ISBN 978-2-37572-041-7

2020 Конзервирани импресии (“Canned Impressions”), Темплум, Скопје, ISBN978-608-4871-29-3

2014 Конзервирани импресии (“Canned Impressions”), Магма книга 13, Темплум, Скопје, 2004 ISBN 9989-902-38-0; Табернакул, Скопје, 2014 (Второ издание) ISBN 978-608-210-391-4

2013, “Tales from the Wild East” in Theatre and Performance in Small Nations, edited by Steven Blandford, pp. 91-106, Intellect Books, Bristol and Chicago, 2013, ISBN 978-1-84150-646-3

2012 “Cearta dintre mine si Kafka” (“A Quarrel with Kafka”), translated into Romanian by Ioana Ieronim, Romania Literara, 9, annul XLIV, 2.3.2012

2010, Mala kniha nastrah (Slovakian translation of A Little Book of Traps), translated by Katarina Slugenova-Cockrell, Divadelný ústav v Bratislave, Theatre Institute , Bratislava, Slovakia, 2010, ISBN 978-80-89369-22-5

2010 Кавга со Кафка и други есеи, (“Quarrel with Kafka and Other Essays”), Табернакул, Скопје, 2010 ISBN 978-608-210-148-4

2010 “Chinese Whispers”, in Shoreless Bridges (South East European Writing in Diaspora), edited by Elka Agoston-Nikolova, Rodopi, Amsterdam/New York, NY 2010, (Studies in Slavic Literature and Poetics 55), pp. 21–26, ISBN 978-90-420-3020-6ISBN 978-90-420-3021-3 E-Book

2010 “Trans Artists and Cis Artists” published in TEAM Network Year Book (Transdisciplinary European Arts Magazine), pp. 44–492009

2009 Mala knjiga zamki, Serbian translation of A Little Book of Traps published by Sterijino Pozorje, Novi Sad. ISBN 978-86-85145-21-6

2009 “Tales from the Wild East”, translated into Romanian by Ioana Ieronimin, in the weekly Luceafarul, 45-46, 30.12.2009, Bucharest, Romania. Online version: http://www.revistaluceafarul.ro/index.html?id=1792&editie=81

2009 Monologue from the essay “Heart of the Matter” translated into Romanian by Ioana Ieronim, published in the weekly Romania literara, Number 51-52, 2009. Online version: http://www.romlit.ro/goran_stefanovski-fondul_problemei

2009 “Geschichten aus dem Wilden Osten”, (German translation of “Tales from the Wild East” by Eva Bonne) in Wespennest – Zeitschrift für brauchbare Texte und Bilder, Nummer 154, Marz; Wien, ISBN 978-3-85458-154-3

2008 “Playwright as a maker of Plays” in Literary Landscapes, Central European Initiative, Round Table at Vilenica, The Author between Text and Context, Essays, pp. 41–52, Društvo slovenskih pisateljev, Ljubljana. ISBN 978-961-6547-30-7 

2008 “After Dinner Speech” in Best of Sarajevo Notebooks, No 18, 2008, Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina

2008 “Tales from the Wild East” in Theatre and Performance in Eastern Europe, edited by Dennis Barnett and Arthur Skelton, The Scarecrow Press, Lanham, Maryland, U.S.A, pp. 147–155

2007 Chinese translation of A Little Book of Traps by Lina Lin, in Journal of Beijing Film Academy, Volume 5, ISSN 1002-6142

2007 “Dlaczego Balkany nie sa sexy” (Polish translation of “Tales from the Wild East” by Dorota Jovanka Ćirlić) in Dialog, pp. 94–103, Warsawa, May 2007

2006 “The Heart of the Matter” in The Heart of the Matter (The Role of the Arts and Culture in Balkan European Integration), ed. Chris Keulemans, pp. 68–73, European Cultural Foundation, Amsterdam, 2006

2006 “Stammi a sentire, Gran Bretagna” in Quando la Cultura fa la differenza (Patrimonio, arti e media nella societa multiculturale), ed. Simona Bodo and Maria Rita Cifarelli, pp 149–155, Meltemi Editore, Roma

2005 “Sztuka konstruowania naroznikow”, (fragments from A Little Book of Traps) in Dialog, 10, Warsaw, Poland, pp. 187-191, ISSN 0012-2041

2005 “O našoj priči” (On Our Story), an essay, translated by Nenad Vujadinović, Mostovi, pp. 129–130, Belgrade, Serbia, January-July YU ISSN 0350-6525

2005 “Tales from the Wild East” essay in Hotel Europa, translated into French by Séverine Magois, éditions L’Espace d’un Instant, Paris, France

2005 Приказни од дивиот исток (“Tales from the Wild East”), essays and interviews, Табернакул, Skopje, Republic of Macedonia

2004 Конзервирани импресии (“Canned Impressions”), Templum, Skopje, Republic of Macedonia

2004 “A Tale from the Wild East” in Alter Ego – Twenty Confronting Views on the European Experience, edited by Guido Snel, Amsterdam University Press – Salome, Amsterdam, The Netherlands

2003 Мала книга на стапици, (помагало за пишување драми), Macedonian translation of A Little Book of Traps, Skopje, Табернакул, Skopje, Republic of Macedonia

2002 A Little Book of Traps (a scriptwriting tool), Dramatiska Institutet, Stockholm, Sweden

2001 “Za kaj Balkan ni seksi”, (“Tales from the Wild East”, Slovenian translation of essay), Air Beletrina 12-13, Ljubljana

2001 “Bakanalije” in Dramatikon 2, Beletrina, Ljubljana

2000 “Fables du monde sauvage de l’Est” (“Tales from the Wild East”), French translation of essay, Alternatives théâtrales, 64, Bruxelles

2000 “Priče s divljeg istoka” (“Tales from the Wild East”), Croatian translation of essay, 15 Dana, 6/2000

2000 “Geschichten aus dem Wilden Osten” (“Tales from the Wild East”), German translation of essay, Theater Heute, No. 6, June 2000

1999 “Priče s divljeg istoka” (“Tales from the Wild East”), Croatian translation of essay, Radio Zagreb III, Zagreb

1999 “Zašto Balkan nije seksi” (“Tales from the Wild East”), Serbian translation of essay, NIN, Beograd

1999 “Приказни од дивиот исток” (“Tales from the Wild East”), an essay, Forum, Skopje

1996 “Англиската драма без Шекспир во Македонија од 1915 до 1985” (“English drama in Macedonia between 1915 and 1985 (without Shakespeare)”), Книжевен контекст, Faculty of Philology, Skopje, pp. 222–233, ISBN 9989-724-00-8

1991 “Pearls of Wisdom”, EuroMaske (European Theatre Quarterly), No. 3, Ljubljana

1986 (with Dušan Petričić) Бушава азбука, (“The Crazy Alphabet”, book for children), Детска радост, Skopje

1986 “Англиската драма без Шекспир во Македонија од 1915 до 1985” (“English drama (excluding Shakespeare) in Macedonia 1915-1985”), Театарски гласник, 28, pp. 23–28, Skopje, 1986

1980 “Разумен театар – Едвард Бонд” (“The Rational Тheatre of Edward Bond”), Театарски гласник, 13-14, pp. 10–14, Skopje

1980, “Конзервирани импресии” (“Canned Impressions”), in literary magazine Разгледи, XXII, 10, pp.1053-1057, Skopje, Macedonia

1979, “Конзервирани импресии” (“Canned Impressions”), in literary magazine Разгледи, XXI, 5, pp.433-436, Skopje, Macedonia

1978 “Сценските ремарки како основа на театарот на Самјуел Бекет”, (“The stage directions as the foundation of Samuel Beckett’s theatre”), Театарски гласник, III, 5-6, pp. 12–13, Skopje, 1978

1974 “Конзервирани импресии” (“Canned Impressions”), in literary magazine Разгледи, XVI, 4, pp.320-325, Skopje, Macedonia